A time to gather for prayer, training, and formation

The Ministry Enrichment Gathering®  offers dioceses, regions, and parish clusters the opportunity to collaborate with LTP in providing formation, prayer, and training for those involved in the Church’s liturgical and catechetical ministries. The Ministry Enrichment Gathering® is available in four distinct themes: Liturgy as Source and Summit, From Mass to Mission: Liturgy and Evangelization, The Initiating Parish: Handing On What We Have Received and Anointed for Mission: Exercising Your Baptismal Call. Designed to invite Catholics to a deeper understanding of the liturgy, the mission of the Church, the formation of the parish community, and their baptismal call, each of these themes offers local communities the opportunity to provide formation to their parish staffs, catechists, and liturgical ministers.

The Ministry Enrichment Gathering® typically takes place on a Saturday, beginning in the morning and concluding early in the afternoon. The day begins with an opening address that explores the foundational and theological aspects of liturgy, mission, and evangelization through an innovative blend of storytelling, lecture, art, and music. The theme of the gathering is reinforced throughout the day in a series of presentations specially designed to assist in the spiritual, intellectual, and pastoral formation of the minister. Participants will also join in fellowship: over lunch, at midday prayer, and at a concluding mystagogical reflection.

Each Ministry Enrichment Gathering® is designed, prepared, and implemented through a cooperative effort between a team of local leaders and LTP. Together, the local team and LTP customize the Ministry Enrichment Gathering® to suit the needs of the local church.



All material © 2024 Archdiocese of Chicago: LTP.
Photo © John Zich; Source and Summit art © Lalo Garcia